Finding a Game Online
- 2 minutes read - 335 words- Categories:
- Player
Role Playing Games sound fun? How do you find a game?
Play online or in person? Back-in-the-day most people met in person (sat around a table) to play table-top RPGs (the name kinda gives this away). A common experience though was for groups to break apart as players had to move because of “life” (kids grow up and go to separate colleges, college students graduate and take jobs in different locales, etc.). This sucks and players then either quit the hobby, played infrequently (when the old group could assemble), or found new groups. Whichever, it was dissruptive and often difficult.
Now we can play online. Some folk find this an inferior experience to playing around a table and I sympathise with this view. There is little better than sitting round a table with a group of friends to while away a few hours in epic battle, crawling a dungeon, or investigating a new world. That said, it can be a challenge to all gather like this, especially as people grow older and accumulate responsiblilities with family, work, etc. In these circumstances playing online is, in my opinion, no only a practical solution but often a superior experience as one can play with people all over the world, playing in multilpe games is as simple as loggin in, and therre is always a game to play in when you find yourself with a few spare hours to play.
How the do we find an online game? There are endless possibilities, here are just a few…
The “big dog” is Start Playing Games. Here you will almost always find a game to play. Most games are pay-to-play and vary widely in price (the average seems to be around $18 US as I write this).
An alternative is Tabletop Wizard. A small collection of RPG tables, but you may find something to your taste.
If you have more lead time, try the following:
- On Reddit:
- r/Foundry LFG for Foundry VTT groups.
- r/lfg for more general “Looking For Group”
Choose Your Own Adventure
Follow (P)layer, (GM)Game Master, or (T)echnical thread.